Visual development, key in the growth of your children

The lazy eye is a common pathology among the little ones.

It is a dysfunction in which the brain cancels the image of one of the eyes because it is very different from the other; If it is not detected in time and treated at an early age, as adults, they will not develop full visual abilities. The sooner lazy eye vision recovers, the better visual development they will have. Dicopt: Visual therapy for lazy eye with virtual reality.

About 1/3 of the cases of school failure are related to visual disturbances. During the first 12 years of life, about 80% of development takes place through the eyes. The neural and visual development of your child in the early years is essential so that he can develop all of her abilities and become what he wants to be.

Dicopt visual development

Dicopt is very easy to use!
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Dicopt is an app that is installed on the mobile, which allows the patient to carry out the therapy anywhere, adapting to the lifestyle of each family.


Dicopt: Medical device to treat lazy eye or amblyopia through Virtual Reality

We have developed a solution based on Virtual Reality that allows the patient to treat lazy eye through video games and not leave the recovery only in the use of the patch. Many patients already work with Dicopt and your specialists can track your therapy sessions remotely.

The basis of this solution is that the amblyopic or 'lazy' eye is shown the most dynamic part of the game, while the 'dominant' eye is shown the most static part. This means that both eyes work together improving visual acuity and binocular vision.

Dicopt is registered as medical device and has the CE certificate to be marketed.

Get rid of lazy eye faster with Dicopt

Science has shown that the simultaneous work of both eyes is a key factor in recovering lazy eye. Using the patch is dissociative, it makes only the lazy eye work. It is important to exercise binocular vision, which is not achieved using the patch alone.

Dicopt offers binocular training to complement the use of the patch. Through dichoptic virtual reality games, it is possible to recover the lazy eye using fewer hours of patching, being able to even avoid taking the patch to school.

As it is a very new therapy and with the incentive to heal by playing, Dicopt has verified that the patient is much more committed to the therapy since he does not perceive it as such.

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Find out more success stories from patients who have used Dicopt

Dicopt is a medical device to treat lazy eye or amblyopia through Virtual Reality

Dicopt is very easy to use!

Dicopt is a mobile app and is based on Virtual Reality, allowing the patient to treat lazy eye through video games and not leave recovery only in the use of the patch.


Dicopt is a app that is installed on the mobile, which allows the patient to carry out the therapy anywhere, adapting to the lifestyle of each family.


To use it, you will only need: a mobile, a VR headset and a video game controller to connect to the device.


By having all the data digitized, the specialist can customize follow-up and patient care, the treatment being unique for each person.


Physical assistance to the ophthalmologist is not necessary, so everything is much more agile.

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