Virtual Reality: in favor of saving

It is not an exaggeration to say that new technologies favor our ability to save in several ways. At V-Vision we have been in close contact with Virtual Reality for many years: we have seen it grow and we continue to be part of its development through thick and thin. If we don't believe in benefits that can add this technology to the world of health In general and more specifically in the field of ophthalmology, we would dedicate our efforts to other issues such as video games, which a priori seem to have more to do with "these things". 

Focusing on Dicopt, plus remarkably improve la Visual acuity in patients with amblyopia while having fun playing, allows you to optimize the management of two key aspects that we generally do not want to abuse: time and money. In this article we would like to briefly tell you how we all benefit from this innovative vision therapy: 

On the first magnitude, There.

  • The patient will need less patch occlusion time if combined with dichoptic therapy. In some cases, you can even avoid having to take it to school, with what this means for the self-esteem of many children.  
  • Fathers and mothers will be able to avoid having to adjust their schedules so that the little one goes to the consultation very frequently. Our proposal is that you have the therapeutic kit at home and the professional can monitor your improvement remotely.
  • Professionals will have more time in the short term in the office: but also, if you reduce the total treatment time by combining patch occlusion with Dicopt, you will be able to attend more patients in the same interval!

¿And what about economic savings? With these Virtual Reality glasses? Yeah! Here the ones who save are the fathers, mothers and professionals. Basically for two reasons:

  • The hardware (control and glasses) that we need to launch the application are already in the maturation phase on the market and are not expensive at all. The complete kit consists of a controller and VR glasses into which the mobile with the activated application is inserted. 
  • Less time in therapy. Although you have to add a little to the traditional patch treatment, the total duration of the therapy is reduced by half or a third, so that in the long run we will have saved that time + the possible transport costs to the consultation. It all adds up!
  • You pay for what you use, no more, no less. Your subscription is valid for a minimum period of one month, which you can extend depending on the rate of improvement of the patient. In this sense, the one who has the last word will always be the professional.

And what about us from V-Vision, what do we gain with this visual therapy? In addition to seeing how what we have opted for works, what really fills us is the satisfaction of seeing patients recover while we all win. And it's not just us saying it: we've come to receive messages from professionals and from patients grateful for our proposal and satisfied with their results. 

And you, do you want to know how Dicopt works in detail?

Contact us without obligation!