If you have been diagnosed with amblyopia or lazy eye It is likely that you have wondered if this pathology can be considered a disability or handicap and, in that case, if you may be entitled to receive a lazy eye pension.
The first thing you should know is that the visual disability It occurs when there is a significant decrease in visual acuity, even using glasses or contact lenses that, in some way, correct this decrease. A person with serious and disabling vision problems can opt for a disability, either partial, total or absolute.
What are the criteria that determine if there is disability due to lazy eye?
The truth is that, as in everything, it will depend on many factors. However, there are some requirements that must be fulfilled yes or yes, as vision problems are permanent and cannot be treated.
Within this group, other variables are taken into account such as Visual Acuity (VA) and Visual Field (CV).
Who values those variables?
To find out if you could qualify for one disability pension You must be assessed by a disability assessment team (EVI). These depend on each Autonomous Community, but their decision is valid throughout the national territory.
At this point it comes into play la Wecker scale. It is a medical criterion that establishes different levels of vision loss and is what Spanish judges base themselves on to determine if a person can qualify for disability due to vision loss.
The operation of the scale is very simple. 1 is the equivalent of a healthy eye, while 0 would be the equivalent of blindness. On each side of the table you must choose which is the visual acuity in the healthy eye (or the one with less vision loss) and which is in the bad eye. The number that comes out will be the loss of visual acuity that you suffer.
For example, if in the evil eye you have a 0,4 and in the healthiest 0,7, you would have a loss percentage of 17%. Would it be enough to qualify for a Disability?
The answer is no. The percentages to be able to consider that your case is disabling are the following:
Partial disability: 24-36%.
Total disability: 37-50%
Absolute disability: > 50%
Is the Wecker scale enough?
The Wecker scale is just one reference for the EVO. Along with the result on the scale, other factors such as age or profession are taken into account, since visual acuity does not have the same consequences in the work to be performed by a postman as by a laboratory technician, to give an example.
It is not possible to give a conclusive answer to such an ambiguous question, since the EVI (Disability Assessment Team) will assess each case individually, but, in general terms and simplifying, with a residual vision of less than 50% you could qualify for a total or absolute permanent disability pension, and with less than 10%, for a Major Disability.
If your ailment is permanent and you do not have the option of a treatment to help you recover, your case could be assessed for a possible disability.
However, there is no magic formula that determines if you can have access to disability or not, since, in addition to the criteria known as the Wecker scale, other factors come into play that the Disability assessment team must take into account to determine a verdict.
It is therefore best that put yourself in the hands of an expert person to advise you and tell you what steps you must follow so that your case is valued for a possible lazy eye pension.
En Dicopt we have a treatment for lazy eye through Virtual reality.