Virtual reality to treat amblyopia

What is the amblyopia?

Amblyopia is a visual development disorder that consists of a reduction in best-corrected visual acuity in one eye normally, without the presence of any ocular pathology.

Neurological research in recent years has provided a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying visual loss in this pathology. Specifically, it has been shown that many monocular and binocular visual deficits are the consequence of abnormalities in the visual pathway of amblyopes, mainly in the striated and extrastriated cortex.

In recent years, visual training has been investigated to confirm whether it could be an effective option for restoring vision in amblyoptic patients, including computerized active visual training, such as the use of perceptual learning environments, dichoptic and virtual stimulation (VR). .

Several validated video games have been developed that use visual and perceptual tasks to elicit a response in neuromodulatory pathways and enhance attentional skills, based on neurophysiological studies.

Benefits of virtual reality

Among the most recent products resulting from the evolution of digital technology, VR has become increasingly established in the field of visual training, emerging as a safe, effective and very attractive tool that promotes treatment compliance. Virtual reality is the presentation of 3D computer-created environments, allowing users to fully immerse themselves in a simulated world where they can interact through multiple sensory channels: visual, auditory, or haptic.

Treatment of amblyopia with a combination of different serious games based on perceptual learning environments for different virtual reality interfaces has proven to be a useful therapeutic approach to improve visual impairments that occur in amblyopia even after the critical period of development. visual.

En Dicopt We offer you visual therapy for the lazy eye through Virtual Reality.