How important is early detection of lazy eye
As we have seen in previous posts, the amblyopia it is a common cause of reduced vision in children. This week we tell you about the importance of early detection.
Amblyopia, poor vision due to abnormal vision development, is a highly prevalent condition in pediatric ophthalmic practice.
Amblyopia is commonly defined clinically as reduced visual acuity accompanied by one or more known embryogenic factors, such as strabismus, anisotropia, high refractive error, and cataracts. Two to five percent of the population fails to develop their full visual potential in at least one eye as a result of poor viewing experience during the critical period of sensory deprivation, significant refractive error, constant squint, or any combination of these. La prevalence does not depend on gender; however, there may be modest differences between breeds, the basis for which remains unknown.
Lamblyopia is the leading cause of poor vision until middle age.
The functional consequences and quality of life in amblyopia, with the alteration of vasomotor control in the usual conditions of binocular vision being an important functional burden of the disease. The Optometrists play a critical role in identifying patients with amblyopia, amblyogenic refractive error, or ocular alignment abnormalities. This is particularly important in children under the age of seven, when visual neurodevelopment is most vulnerable, but also potentially most viable and therefore amenable to treatment. Before starting treatment, direct diagnosis is essential and requires explicit identification of the cause of the amblyopia. In addition, amblyopia is also a diagnosis of exclusion; any coexisting pathology should be ruled out.