The telehealth revolution in vision therapy for amblyopia

The unstoppable advance of the digitization of health care and in the treatment of lazy eye

The patient in the center

There is mounting evidence supporting the need to increasingly place patients at the center of new and evolving healthcare models. Healthcare governing bodies, providers, and health technology organizations around the world are increasingly turning to digital opportunities. Specifically to better incorporate patient profiling and personalized feedback to deliver tailored, patient-focused communications and care management. The NHS in England is an example of this, where they refer to patient-centred care planning that incorporates personal health budgets and supports patient preferences.

The technology opportunity

Digital health technology organizations are continually looking for opportunities to address the problem and improve healthcare delivery. One solution that is gaining a lot of interest from healthcare professionals and patients is patient-initiated follow-up, which allows patients to have greater control of their care.

Investment in treatment and remote monitoring

The most innovative companies are increasingly working to develop both passive (such as wearable technologies) and active (such as questionnaires or digital assessments) tools to create remote models of care that allow patients to be monitored more closely and in the comfort of your own home. Remote patient monitoring solutions are also increasingly gaining traction in the market, reportedly attracting an estimated USD $642 million in investment in 2020, up 13% from 2019.

Investment in patient monitoring


From the clinicians' perspective, this provides key benefits including allowing clinicians to identify potential deterioration in patient health earlier, leading to better patient health outcomes. From a healthcare management perspective, this also allows for “asynchronous capacity”, in other words, an increase in physician availability so that more patients can be seen in a given time frame. Such methods are continually gaining recognition for their ability to benefit both patients and healthcare providers, and projects like “My Online Care” are a testament to such developments.

amblyopia treatment

Within the digitization of health care, the monitoring and treatment of ophthalmology patients has enormous digitization potential given the advancement of visual technologies such as virtual reality, augmented or mixed. From Dicopt we see every day how our clients and patients they incorporate the use of virtual reality into their daily lives as a therapy for the treatment of lazy eye. The possibility of carrying out an attractive therapy for the patient from anywhere and that the specialist can assess compliance remotely are advantages only accessible with technological innovation.

In the near future, we will be able to offer more tools to the specialist so that he can also determine the efficacy of the treatment and an estimate of the patient's progress. In this way, the patient will not have to make recurring visits to the specialist, being able to carry out follow-up consultations remotely. This opens up an immense range of possibilities for the choice of specialist and adaptation to the family circumstances of the patient.

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